Google Shopping Ads Carousel – Have we stumbled across the beginnings of Google’s next big change?

Revolution for Google Adwords Desktop shopping ads.

As it can be seen on the images below the Product Listing Ads appear on top of the page, that isn’t particularly new, but what is new is the fact that you can now scroll to the sides for more to view more products. This Google Shopping Ads Carousel is something that has not been seen before on desktop devices.
The Google Shopping Ads Carousel means desktop searches are now looking increasingly similar to how mobile results appear. What we have noticed is that there is a lot of white space left on the right hand side of the screen, it leaves us wondering whether or not Google have something planned for this area or if they are trying to get us used to this layout throughout desktop and mobile searches.


This may be a part of the new changes implemented by Google that we spoke of on last week’s blog post (click here to read more about it).
This would certainly mean that there would be more advertising space available up for grabs. Obviously we would still recommend to be there on the top 5 that appear because as you scroll through different pages the five original adverts remain appearing. The Google Shopping Ads Carousel may well lead to increased costs for shopping ads if not managed carefully.
So far we have established that this is only visible on Firefox, so its clearly being rolled out in stages.
We have called Google and asked for more information on this and it seems that the guys there haven’t even been briefed on it, this is so fresh that Google’s staff haven’t even been briefed on it! Our contact at google is looking into it for us and we are expecting a call back soon.
[NOTE 18/03/2016  – 9.28am – New Update
We have heard back from our Adwords Evangelist at Google (yes, that’s his job title) and it has been confirmed that they are experimenting with a couple different shopping layouts.
We have been told that there is a new variation of the Google Shopping Ads Carousel yet to be tested which will have a drop down menu on the bottom right of the shopping results. The reason Google are doing these experiments is to see the effect they have on the click through rate and on the conversion rates.  Now the more observant will notice they said “CONVERSION RATES”  – I keep saying this, your quality score is based on your conversion rate! If don’t convert they don’t want you which in turn leads us down a whole other blog on advanced shopping optimization!]
If you hadn’t had a chat with someone who knows more about Adwords than you in the last few days then your not moving forward in your career or business. You need to surround yourself with those you know more than you and can get you to the next level. Call us on 08444 780 999 or 01244 470067 to have a chat about these latest developments and what they mean for your business.