Google Christmas retail trends 2014

So the summer has gone and we are now into autumn which means just one thing?

Dare I say it but Christmas is coming and the question is are you ready? Many of you will just be back from holiday and are thinking shut up John I don’t want to think about Christmas and believe me im the same however google sent me a very interesting report which I thought I would share with you that has kicked me into gear and ive already started working on clients accounts to start preperations for the coming festive season.

So take a look below at what google have said and maybe let me know your thoughts?

Last christmas was a record breaking one regarding online sales and the trend shows that this christmas could be even better. The question is do you want a piece of the action this year?

This has mainly been driven by mobile growth. Which is likely to keep growing and growing as we become more accustomed to using the available tech that our mobiles and tablets bring?

There are a number of key dates that are very useful to know to aid you in your marketing strategy for Christmas. These are interesting as there are a number of dates in here that you may not have thought of.

One of the fastest growing retail days now is Black Friday. This was traditionally an American thing but is becoming more and more prevalent here in the UK.

There is an expected 8% growth in retail search traffic for Christmas 2014. This is not to be sniffed at as an 8% growth in your turnover can be a significant increase.

Smart phone traffic is expected to reach an all time high this year. Again with the increase in Smart phone technology this is a significant move in the market place.

PLA’s or Google Shopping will drive a third of all retail related traffic that’s up 10% on last year. This is a steady but predictable growth so if you’ve not got shopping set up correctly and optimised then your going to miss out.

All home related searches usually pick up from mid august. This will be a mix of people buying home gifts along with a trend of home improvement around the turn of the New Year.

Toys and games related searches increase from early September. This is a very predictable trend toys and games are a given however this is not an obvious increase in growth from last year but remember last year saw the launch of the PS4 and Xbox One slightly skewing last year’s results.

Fashion related searches peak for two weeks from cyber Monday. This again doesn’t surprise me as “tis the season to be jolly” and you need to look good for those works nights out.

Food related searches have a solid steady rise till Christmas. Again the obvious reason for this increase is the good old Christmas dinners and parties everyone wants to prove their culinary worth this time of year and recipes are a large proportion of this.

Beauty searches increase from mid October. As with fashion looking good during the festivities is all important.

Consumer electronics follow a similar trend. Again with no significant releases of consumer electronics this year the trend is very similar to last year.

So here’s a great aid for you to use to start planning your AdWords strategy for the run up to Christmas.

As you can see there are great opportunities this Christmas to make some real money online but as the saying goes “you’ve got to be in it to win it”.

You will have noticed a trend to my blogs and that is one of planning, planning and more planning. It really is the key to success online and if you’re finding it tough to find the time or god forbid haven’t even thought about it then call Click Convert and see what we can do to help.