7 Tips on Choosing the Right Marketing Agency For You

So you’ve hit a brick wall with your online marketing and have taken the decision to get some external help.

Great News!

The question is how do you know who to get this help from?

How do you know which is the right marketing agency?

How you choose the right marketing agency for you is something that has perplexed me for years.
Sure, having reviewed 1000’s of AdWords accounts I can tell you the good, bad and indifferent agencies.
But not only is that unprofessional but it’s not what we are about. I much prefer for you to see it for yourself.
So after many years of working in this business here’s my guide to help you make the most of your money when choosing an agency:
Having over 10 years of experience with PPC marketing I can honestly say that I know why most PPC accounts fail and what you can do about it.
Obviously things change constantly but I pride myself on the fact that I keep myself and my team ahead of the game.
But I have to admit that what keeps us there is our office in the US.
Google and the likes are renowned for trying everything out in the US before rolling any changes to the UK and around the world.
Having our US office out in California ensures that by the time changes hit the UK we are ready to deal with it and can keep your business ahead of the game.
Now I have some questions for you: are you ready to outsource your marketing to specialists?
Or do you want to provide cutting-edge training and assistance for your in house marketing team?
Why not give Click Convert a call and see if we can fit your business in and drive you to success online?
Call us now on 08444 780 999 and begin your journey to success!

P.S. As a little freebie from me, I want to share something with you that you may not yet know. Before selecting your Marketing Agency I suggest doing a little reverse check on them. So you want to implement a PPC Campaign, or perhaps you want to advertise your products on Facebook. There are two little add-on programs for Google Chromes (Tag Manager and Facebook Helper) that allow you to see if the Marketing Agency you are thinking of using is using these things themselves. I mean the “Do what I say, not what I do” here simply does not apply!